Barlow Jacobs has two sex scenes in this movie. In the first one, we can see him in black briefs that his girlfriends removes with her foot (sexy!). The scene is very well lit, so we can see all the details like his crack hair. In the second scene, we see Barlow putting his briefs back. As he is doing it, we can see the very tip of his dick, one of his hairy balls, and all the hair between his balls and ass.

This movie is somewhat of a horror movie focused on castrating guys. Jess Weixler's vagina has teeth that chops her boyfriends' dicks out. Hale Appleman, John Hensley and Ashley Springer all experience the same result. As they do, we can see their naked bodies. It's also somewhat of a comedy as John Hensley's chopped dick is portrayed with a P.A. piercing but ends up being eaten by his dog! All dicks are represented cut but since they are prosthesis, there is no way to determine the actors' circumcision statuses. There is also a gym locker room scene where we can see naked extras in the back, some of them very well endowed.